I finally finished my (first) book and it has been delivered successfully in EPUB form into three electronic publishers’ hands. You can yourself a copy by going to Amazon.com and searching for a Kindle book called “Dying to Live Forever”. I hope you like it!
[outdated content removed here since I have removed my book from Kindle and Google to allow it to be published through a publishing house]
I have been writing this book off and on over the course of at least ten or fifteen years. But in the last year or so I have gotten serious about being an author. I don’t want to be someone who just writes. I want to be published and have people like my stuff and be eager for more. I want that, and i want it badly. I’ve interrupted nearly every aspect of my life, spending pretty much every moment I wasn’t sleeping or doing my day job for most of the last month toiling away to get this thing finished and published.
Now I can take a day or two off from reading to let my eyes recover and to reacquaint myself with my wife and family. I know Cooper the Wonderdog will be thrilled not to have to stand guard by my desk all the time.
It will be a little sad to see it go, really. I’ll miss my characters and their adventures. I guess I can now take up where I left the characters of my next two books, which are in a series together. They’re really cool people, and I think readers are going to love them and what they get up to.
I think I might sound tired in this post — I am.
But I’m also really excited. I can’t wait to hear what people think about the book. To this point, I have feedback from some reviewers and family members, but I guess I won’t *actually believe my stuff is worthwhile until someone pays for it with real money and then gives it at least a halfway decent review. It’s strange how this feels. It’s like they would be reviewing and validating me and not just my book.