Descriptions of the Nondescript

My books

To date, I have just one book published, and it was published via Kindle Direct. But I decided I wanted to publish it with a traditional publishing house, so I took it down from Amazon. I’m currently looking for an agent to represent me.

My first book, Dying to Live Forever, is a hard science fiction novel set in a span of time between roughly “today” and three hundred years in the future — all within the lifetime of its most major character: Rik van der Gelder.

Here is the book blurb I wrote for Dying to Live Forever, which was originally published on Kindle (since removed) on October 1, 2014.

Celebrity scientist and inventor Rik van der Gelder finds his lust for living gone, having lived two full lifetimes courtesy of ‘fountain of youth’ rejuvenation tech. He escapes his life, alone in his starship and yearning for some relief from the never ending chore of living. But a murderous attack and a crash landing on an unexplored planet force him into a desperate struggle to survive. Challenged at every turn by bizarre alien creatures, Rik encounters an artifact, leading him down a rabbit hole of discovery and intrigue. Standing together in battle with ancient artificial intelligences and the insect-like race that created them against a common enemy could end him. Or maybe it’s just the beginning…

There are two more in various stages of completion and many ideas for others.